When practicing Surya Namaskar or any Flow of asanam. Only do these series so long as you are not tired, and that you can breath normally.  
If breathing becomes labored stop.
After doing Surya Namaskar and Flow poses finish up with Savasana (Corps pose.)
I created this flow to use when traveling.  Due to the the type of work my wife does, we are frequently in out of the way places.  Staying in hotels that have floors which you might not mind walking on, but you would not want to touch  with any other part of your body.  Hence this flow.  I am still working on this, so it will change form time to time.
The Dirty Floor balancing flow.
1. Tadasana (arms down.)
2. Urdhva Hastasana (inhale)
3. Utkatasana (exhale)
4. Uttanasana II (flat back) (inhale)
5. Uttanasana I (hands on feet) (exhale)
6. Uttanasana II (flat back) (inhale)
7. Utkatasana (exhale)
8. Urdhva Hastasana (inhale)
9. Tadasana (exhale) (pause for a moment if you need to.)
10. Vrksasana (left foot on thigh) (inhale)
11. Garudasana (exhale)
12. Virabhadrasana III (left leg back) (arms forward) (inhale)
13. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (left leg extended) (exhale)
14. Nataraja (Right arm extended forward, and push the left ankle into the left hand.) (inhale)
15. Virabhadrasana I (Left leg back, and only a gentle bend in back at the bottom of the shoulder blades.) exhale
16. Tadasana (Atmanjali Mudra)
[Now do the other side starting at #9 Tadasana.]